What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness

and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?” (Matt. 5:14)

John :16

Black Anglicans of Canada

Our Declaration:

We as people of African Descent are commissioned and called to be ambassadors of reconciliation. We are called to create opportunities and space for courage building, healing, fellowship and empowerment. This special calling is both a reminder and a challenge to ourselves and to the whole church that we are no longer destined to just obey, suffer and witness; but to disrupt, heal and lead.

our Values


To develop and promote a culture change in liturgy, policies and processes that will ensure Black cultures, experience, history and lived experiences are included and reflected in the liturgy, leadership and the full life of the Anglican Church of Canada (and those in full communion), including theological schools and affiliated agencies and organizations.


To support and enhance the ability of Blacks in lay, ordained leadership roles and staff; to make meaningful decisions and to be heard        Anglican church of Canada, (and those in full communion),  in addition, to our local and international Black communities.


To increase the active engagement of Black People in lay and ordained leadership roles, and staff at head offices, executive levels, church councils, synods, local churches/parishes, areas/deaneries, all decision-making boards/committees of the Anglican church of Canada and those in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.


To increase the number of Blacks in lay and ordained leadership roles, in all parishes/churches, organizations, areas/ deaneries, at Synod, on church decision making bodies, boards, Committees and in staff positions in the Anglican Church of Canada and those in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada.

Happy black family eating lunch together at home - Main focus on mother face

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