Categories, Responsibilities and Benefits of Our members
Click one of the below to see more
People of African descent who worship, work, serve, study or volunteer in the Anglican Church
of Canada (or other denominations in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada), in
the past, present or those who aspire to be part of the Anglican community or support the stated
mission and vision of Black Anglicans of Canada.
● Support the Vision, Mission and Mandate
● Financial Support
● Orientation session
● Opportunity for allyship and support
baptismal promise
● Given advance notice to BLAC events
and forums
● Discounted rate on forums and events
internal and external allies, who are not Black, and who
support the stated vision and mission of Black Anglicans of Canada
● Support the Vision, Mission and Mandate
● Financial Support
● Orientation session
● Opportunity for allyship and support
baptismal promise
● Given advance notice to BLAC events
and forums
● Discounted rate on forums and events
Churches, organizations or businesses who
support the stated vision and mission of Black Anglicans of Canada
● Support the Vision, Mission and Mandate
● Financial Support
● Non-voting Members
● To help promote our Vision, Mission and
Mandate to the wider church
● Orientation session
● Opportunity for allyship and to support
baptismal promise
● Given advance notice to BLAC events and
● Discounted rate on forums and events for
● Can promote events on BLAC social media
● Discounted rates on BLAC forums/events

Membership Fees
See our membership Fees Below: